
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sam Harris Thesis Review

â€Å"Morality and values depend on the existence of conscious minds—and specifically on the fact that such minds can experience various forms of well-being and suffering in this universe. Conscious minds and their states are natural phenomena, of course, fully constrained by the laws of Nature (whatever these turn out to be in the end). Therefore, there must be right and wrong answers to questions of morality and values that potentially fall within the purview of science. On this view, some people and cultures will be right (to a greater or lesser degree), and some will be wrong, with respect to what they deem important in life. (Harris, 2011) This is Sam Harris’s thesis in his book The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values. This proposition purports science can answer questions about morality. Science is about empirical evidence not social norms or accepted moral standards (morality). His stance on morality is centered on naturalistic fallacy. It is the thought that morality is the result of evolution and social conditioning. (Craig 2012) The laws of nature do not determine right or wrong behavior with relativity to the conscious mind. We as humans do not become more moral as we evolve. As situations around us change our morals change based on what’s more beneficial to us. â€Å"We are selfish to one degree or another; we lack complete information about the consequences of our actions; and even where we possess such information, our interests and preferences often lead us to ignore it. † Harris states. (Harris, 2011) However, his thesis contradicts this statement. I agree with many other critics of Harris† regarding his idea of well being. He does not define well being or what justifies it. If well being is a part of the science of morality what can increase or decrease well being? How can well being be the foundation for morality? I do agree with him that our minds can experience much suffering. However, the measure of suffering is not a science. The laws of nature do not determine if our response to unpleasant situations or suffering is right or wrong as he suggests. Philosophers believe morality comes from the soul. Scientist believe morality comes from certain areas of the brain. There are many tests out to study brain functions. These tests display activities in certain areas of the brain that respond to an emotional stimulus. Although scientist continues to research this issue, no network of nerves has been found to determine the process of moral cognition. (Young & Dungan, 2011) Science does not tell us how to live or explain the differences between right and wrong. Morality is based on a school of thought. Morality does not appear in any type of science. Our morals change as our culture change. Right and wrong is determined in the court of public opinion.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Student Response Essay 1

Student Essay #1 Response In her essay about rollercoasters, Kendall Anderson explains how rollercoasters came to be so popular, are constantly improving in style and technology, and are always leaving us wanting more thrills. I actually enjoyed reading this essay, it was very informal and included interested facts, like about the person who rode on a rollercoaster for a ridiculous amount of hours, and about how there are very few deaths on rollercoasters that are usually just from the medical conditions of the person who went on the coaster.I felt like I could really believe this person about their knowledge and explaining rollercoasters and how they work and how they are made and what makes them so fun with all their appeal to logos, especially when I looked at the works cited page. I found that on the works cited page that Anderson used sources from articles from using Academic search premier and journals such as Popular Mechanics, which are reliable sources and not full of bogus information.She used her sources very effectively as she paraphrased and summarized appealed greatly to logos and providing facts about rollercoasters to explain all the interesting things about them that make you further interested in rollercoasters. I could really tell that she did her research and wasn’t just claiming things about rollercoasters that she couldn’t back up with warrant and facts, which made me believe her. I could tell that she was paraphrasing and summarizing when she included her source in parenthesis at the end of whatever she paraphrased about rollercoasters.What surprised me in her essay was all the interesting facts she included, like when she talked about not only the rollercoasters, but the rollercoaster riders themselves and the many rollercoasters they attempt to ride and for the crazy lengths of time they ride them for, and even the age of the majority of the people in ACE was surprising to me. I found the topic of rollercoasters intriguing to read about since they are a thrill to me, so that is why I even chose to read Anderson’s essay, which in the end I found very informal, interesting, and enjoyable to read.

Focault- Discipline and Punish

Table of Contents Introduction2 Brief Overview2 Main arguments of discipline and Punish4 †¢Power4 †¢Prisons as part of civilisation4 †¢Punishment5 †¢The Body and Soul5 Evaluation of Discipline and Punish6 Conclusion7 ? Introduction: M. Foucault. 1975. Discipline and Punish: The birth of the prison. New York: Random House Inc. Below is an in depth book review of Discipline and Punish, The Birth of the Prison. The author who compiled the analysis on this is Michel Foucault, whom provided enlightenment on many different aspects of sociology and philosophy- many which are still immensely relevant to societies today.I will be using this book review to channel an outline of Foucault’s work, viewpoints and purposes as such. Along with this I will include my personal critique of my literary experience of the book. I will consider important factors of logic, coherence, evidence, expertise and originality. These specified fields are all crucial to useful and meaningf ul sociological theories. In brief, my aim is to clarify the argument presented by Foucault and provide my account of its validity. Brief Overview:Michel Foucault’s, Discipline and Punish, provides the reader of the historical timeline which ends at the institution of imprisonment that most modern societies have adopted today. The just of his intentions for the book are presented in the first section. Much of this includes his aim which is to trace the penal system back to its roots in order to define and identify its significance in the present. These roots begin in the seventeenth century. Here public torture and execution prevailed as the form of punishment.As aspects of society changed, especially power structures, so did this system of punishment- much like in an evolutionary manner. At this point it is probably important to highlight that a better alternative to the concept of the penal timeline, is rather a cycle- thus making visible the state it was in at birth and pl otting its journey to maturity. The model of the prison is not yet a comprehendible result or solution in the beginning sections. Punishments were rather inhumane and gruesome methods of torture and execution which were â€Å"public spectacles†. The point of this was the solidification of the power figures amongst their people.This notion of power stirred amongst people who were ultimately discontent with the inefficiency of these structures. Whilst attempting to resolve this, a â€Å"reform† was created. Sadly, the preoccupation of the reform blinded people to the inhumanity, suffering and pain being brought upon these so-called criminals. Following this we see the transition to private and secret forms of punishment which was cut-off from public visibility. Coercive practices resulted in submissive criminals, with credit given to new techniques established by adapting and altering out-dated methods.The separation and the shift of focus from the body to the soul were early defining factors of the modern system. These also form an immensely important theme that is recurrent throughout the book. Foucault’s theoretical cycle of the penal system then moves on to preparation of criminals for their lives after incarceration and attempts to reintroduce these people back into society as respectable civilians. Considering noted critiques on this section, it remains unclear as to whether this was successful at its time of occurrence.An issue arising along with this stage is that of judgement- who is qualified to pass judgement and what standards are used for comparison? Finally, in the closing sections of the book we reach the heart of the book where we see the introduction of the first prison- highly influenced by the panoptic, and the penultimate stage which Foucault dates February 22, 1840. This date marks the success of the first carceral system which â€Å"perfected† the failures and short-comings of all the previous phases. Currently t his institution has embedded itself in society and is the back-bone of order, laws and norms.The fact that at the moment there is no better alternatives to this, offers the assumption that the modern penal system has succeeded or human sciences are still advancing in order to further evolve current organisation- hence my prior labelling of this phase the â€Å"penultimate†. I feel that the purpose of the book is to inform the reader on a long list of various facets relating to sociology. These include the carceral system, the classical period, discipline, norms, power and penalty- to mention only a few. These all have significant importance in human sciences.My reaction or evaluation will conclude that Foucault has cleverly addressed establishments in sociology whilst using the penal system as a commonality to provide a practical sample- which in turn favours the readers understanding of sociology in general. The audience for this theoretical work is most likely to target sch olars of human sciences and philosophy. It may also spark interests of inquiries into the classical period given its historical flair. Main arguments of Discipline and Punish: Power: Foucault uses power as a central point of reference for punishing.All or most aspects of the book revolve around this, or come back to it at a point. According to him, as power structures change, so does the penal system. It adapts to requirements. In the section of the book titled â€Å"Body of the condemned†, we see how torture and punishment was used to reinforce the power of the sovereign. Knowledge is also important to power, because it is seen as the support for power. Those with greater knowledge, tend to yield or accumulate greater power. â€Å"Power produces knowledge . . . power and knowledge directly imply one another . . . here is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations. † Foucault describes that power can range from modifying ones self-control to complete coercion. It is embedded in society and all relations. As long as power relations exist, there will always be inherent authority and control. Here we see the effects of the â€Å"power to judge†. Those possessing power and knowledge use their controls on society to establish norms whereby they evaluate the actions of people.Post-judgement and examination incarceration is determined by how far the perpetrator strays from â€Å"normal†. In Foucault’s opinion, society has allowed sceptic officials to take the power to judge- people such as medical professionals, psychologists, etc. In essence, it is argued that power controls society, yet it cannot be controlled. Prison as a part of civilisation: It is emphasised time and time again throughout the book that the prison is part of society and the two cannot be separated. Prison is based on the judicial system (laws and rules governing our daily lives), which is embedded and weaved into society.Often Foucault mentions prisons along with institutions such as schools, hospitals and armies etc. They are all organised using the same framework of control and judgement- which emphasizes his stance that it is a part of society. The penal system of prison is too far incorporated into our lives to deny the connection which exists. Punishment: â€Å"The art of punishing must rest on a whole technology of representation† Foucault argues that each punishment should teach a lesson. It should not only take away a delinquents liberty and freedom, it should make them work, keep them active, enforce good habits.Prior to this, the penalty should correlate with the crime committed in order to create relevance. It need not be an attempt to control the body, but rather install regulation directed at achieving a goal- such as reintegration into community after incarceration. Discipline must be continuo us and must take the role of coercion. This we see from Foucault that it can be done using timetables and ranks- here differentiation of various series is important. The Body and Soul: Punishment was initially assigned to the physical body using methods of torture for example.In addition to this, the body could be used to stir fear amongst people during public executions. The body and the visible are reinforcing factors. However, with the changes in power, the body is no longer a target of direct punishment. The body now, as Foucault says, is supervised, controlled and organised. Although the body is replaced with the soul, it will still share an adjacent bond with punishment. Foucault argues that he produces a â€Å"genealogical account for the modern soul†- meaning that he intends to identify where the soul originated. There are two factors to this process in Discipline and Punish.First it is what is revised above- is the soul takes over from the body as the directive for p unishment. Secondly, the shift from body to soul and the new methods of discipline have ultimately generated or created the soul. Unlike the body, there are no limits to how you can penalize the soul. Evaluation of Discipline and Punish: Firstly, I will start by commenting on the extent to which the book achieves its desired goal. Foucault initially wanted to provide a power of speech for those confined to a discourse. This includes those who do not have the knowledge required to accumulate power.I feel that their issues have been brought to light, however the reasons exceeding this is for the purpose of gaining insight into the functioning of society in sociological terms. This does not give attention to their possibly ambiguous labelling of being â€Å"abnormal†. They have purely become a vessel to greater knowledge. Foucault rejected norms as positive determinants. It was seen by him as negative and oppressive. The unusual phenomenon is not a natural process instinctually followed by humans. Foucault strived to highlight this irregularity through his book.However, when commenting on individuality (which opposes norms) there is an inherent negative notion towards the concept. What then, if against norms and individuality, does Foucault conceptualise as an alternative? This is a possible indication of an argument which is incoherent and conflicting. Ultimately, as we see towards Foucault’s final sections, that his intention was not to ignite conspiracy and doubt in the minds if the reader regarding the prison, but rather to create understanding of its operation and the factors contributing to its processes.This was done with the utmost success. The historical context and actual case studies used provide valid and convincing confirmation. His views at this point are adequately supported. In terms of possibilities suggested by the book Foucault leaves us with the premise that the carceral system is very destructive in more ways than one. He also p rovides a new way for us to think of this system- as strong and highly powerful. We see that Foucault is optimistic toward change- thus highlighting prospective opportunities for the carceral system as well as the human sciences as a whole.The subject matter of the book has to this day not received further research- nothing of such extensive significance. Foucault has successfully provided us with a realistic account into the historical penal system and at the same time addressed common topics in sociology- much like his section on individualism. The material available to us regarding the penitentiary system tends to focus on specific regions or prisons-commonly those in the United States. A book which is well versed on the issue at hand is Situational Prison Control by Richard Hartley. However, it still does not divulge into the history and â€Å"birth† of the phenomenon.Foucault successfully identified a research topic which was in need of attention and enlightenment. I fee l an aspect Foucault neglected to focus on was future summations for the penal system and all it entails. We do not see any of his suggestions for possible ways forward or resolutions to the problems that exist. He has a tendency throughout the book, to highlight many downfalls yet no solutions. A few of personal proposals would have stimulated the readers thinking, ultimately opening doors for advancement for progress. Along with the above, I feel there is a lot that needs to be said on social divides amongst society.Foucault briefly touches on classes and social and economic situation but almost immediately redirected the train of thought. There is more to various demographics which influence all institutions throughout societies. Foucault failed to report on this and the way that their changes affect power relations and ultimately the penal system. Some of these demographics may include gender, age, race and ethnicity. Conclusion: I constantly referred back to specific criteria w hen considering the main arguments or theories of Discipline and Punish. This was helpful in concluding my opinion on whether Foucault has successfully argued his theory.My review concludes that a good research problem was identified and stated. The causes of this were also made apparent to the reader. Foucault carefully planned the way he would take-on this topic by testifying clear and concise points of view. At times it felt as though the argument was not coherent in that it would jump from one context to another. However, the main arguments and themes- such as the body and the soul were constantly referred to. This redeemed coherence with a well tied together and relevant argument- especially in the last section where everything is positioned into place.The evidence Foucault uses to elaborate his views and arguments are sufficient to enhance the validity of his study and specific arguments. He often provides actual occurrences in history- much like his introduction reporting on Damien’s execution in 1757 and referring to the opening of Mettray prison colony. Extensive referencing has been made available allowing further validation of facts. This in turn contributes to his ability to convince and persuade. Michel Foucault most definitely possessed the right attributes and expertise to work on this research problem.He had extensive training and experience in human sciences, from which he created his career. His direct encounters with the penal systems and prisons also granted him access to knowledge not readily available to others- thus making his expertise relative to the issue at hand. Keeping the short-comings I have mentioned in mind, I feel that Foucault’s arguments are valid and they all have been researched to the point where its concrete significance cannot be denied. Their continued relevance over the years supports my conclusion and it has in general been presented in a clear and concise manner.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Knee Injury Medical Treatment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Knee Injury Medical Treatment - Case Study Example SH: the patient is the first born in a family of three siblings. Lives with the parents and two brothers. She is in college and is a sportswoman has been playing football since elementary schools, it has become her hobby as well as the reason she obtained a scholarship in the college. Her mother is a nurse while the father works as lecturer at a local college.O/E: The patient appears to be in pain (Davies et al. 2011, p.8). The knee appears deformed. The patella bone is visible towards the inner side of the thigh, medial and superiorly to the knee joint. Cannot move the affected leg which have started to swell around the knee joint. She is literary guarding any attempt to touch the affected leg.ROM: There is intense pain in each movement of the knee joint affected by the injury. Active: Flexion- Intense and unbearable painExtension: intense pain Abduction-, intense painAdduction- intense painMedial Rotation- intense painPassive: Flexion- intense painExtension- intense painAbduction- intense painAdduction- pain free movementMedial Rotation- intense painResistive: intense painExtension- intense painAbduction- intense painMedial Rotation- intense painPhysical assessment shows no other abnormality.Impression: Total Right knee-cap dislocation.Plan: Immobilise the knee joint. Prepare for x-ray to identify the position of the patella. Apply strong anti-inflammatory agents to reduce swelling.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Advance reservoir petroleum engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Advance reservoir petroleum engineering - Essay Example The test use both pressure drawdown and build-up tests (Gringaten, 2012). A successful test for a well ensures that a step change in rate is created. This is achieved by: closing a flowing well or injection well also referred to as build-up or falloff: by opening a well that was previously shut in (drawndown): or injecting in a previously closed well (injection). The rate change creates a pressure change in the same well during exploration or production testing but if in a different well it is called interference testing. In case of layered reservoirs, the change in rate in each individual layer is determined by production logging tool. The pan system is the software used to calculate reservoir properties. At the initial stage, a simple model for the reservoir is defined which is made more complicated when different reservoir properties are found. The best option is the simplest reservoir model that assumes a radial flow in a homogeneous, isotropic reservoir and single phase fluid at the initial stage of building the model. Calculations are simplified by adding two assumptions; outer boundary reservoir taken as the infinite acting and the constant flow rate at the well bore also referred to as the inner boundary. The report defines pressure drawdown testing and the system of determining different reservoir properties in each step. The equation (a) gives the bottom hole pressure at a constant rate in an infinite acting reservoir: When the log-log plot is defined in a pan system, the reservoir properties are easily worked on. From the Log-log curve, the effects of inner boundary (skin and wellbore storage), the early time region (ETR), radial flow in the middle time region (MTR), and the outer boundary such as faults in the late time region are seen. When the well is first opened to flow after a shut in a certain period of time, the flow rate at that moment is not from the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

FASB Revenue Recognition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FASB Revenue Recognition - Essay Example ccounted principles (GAAP) establish the standards, rules and procedures which accountants must follow when realizing bookkeeping and accounting work. The GAAP framework is developed through a series of assumptions, principles and constraints. Two important principles Legal Plan Services should keep in mind are revenue recognition principle and the matching principle for expenses. The revenue recognition principle stipulates that revenues should be recognized when the work is realizable and earned. Receiving cash does not imply the business has performed the work. â€Å"Expenses are recognized not when the work is performed, or when the product is produced, but when the work or product actually makes its contribution to revenue† (Wikipedia). Administration expenses do not follow the matching principles since they are not directly linked to the creation of specific revenue, they are considered period costs. The best way for Legal Plan Services to present a report that clearly presents the amount of revenues and expenses in a reliable, comparable and consistent manner is through the financial statement called income statement. The income statement is divided into two parts within the report. At the top of the report revenues are illustrated, while the bottom part gives the user information about the expenses the company incurred. In the income statement the company should include notes to the statement to explain the practices utilized for creating revenues and recognizing expenses. The company has serious flaws in both its revenue and expense recognition methodology. The company is collecting money from customers for a service they will provide in the near future. This event behaves like unearned revenue. Unearned revenue is sometimes referred to as deferred revenue (Weygandt & Kieso & Kimmel, 97). In the ledger of the company the journal entry would be a debit to cash and a credit to unearned revenue. At the time the company provides the service the journal entry

Monday, August 26, 2019

Organizational Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Organizational Managment - Essay Example This is because social media like facebook and twitter or even skype is the way to capture the attention of a larger group of people especially the youth and hence making it easier to know their thoughts and even challenges and way forward suggestions about health care in general. There are however also challenges and especially concerning the use of technology and social media. One of the greatest challenges is that of confidentiality which should be a priority where QI in health care is involved. There is also risk of the systems being hacked and sensitive health care information falling into the wrong hands. The other challenge is that with new changes in the QI of health care sector, there are required resources in terms of technicians qualified to handle these changes and also monetary resources to install the new systems and to advertise or even collect information over the social media. More time will therefore be necessary for the above to be completed and this may affect the current QI process in place (Sollecito and Johnson,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Human Resources Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Resources - Assignment Example Human Resources By choosing random individuals who are completely unaware that they are participating in a study realistically has the greatest likelihood of providing the most natural and uninhibited responses and reactions. People who are being watched, often, behave much differently than those who do not. So that part is an agreeable means to attain information that is completely uninfluenced by the research. However, by having no in-depth or personal knowledge of the test subjects there is now way of knowing if there are extenuating circumstances or variables that may make them poor candidates for such study. For example, some people suffer from a psychological or medical issues or inability to use the restroom when others are present, this preexisting condition could contribute to the study’s intention in a negative way; there slow or complete inability to urinate may have nothing at all to do with arousal. â€Å"Although the parameters of these measures have not been extensively studied, the present study implies that they have some construct validity as indicators of arousal† (Middlemist, Knowles, and Matter 544-545). Here they already are attributing the results that they gained as indicative of validation of the hypothesis that arousal can occur from the nearness of other men when urinating in a public restroom. However, the results of their study do not, however, randomly the participants selected, are not representative of the whole of society. Researchers said, that â€Å"†¦during tests of the experimental procedures, none of the test subjects had any suspicions about the confederate's activity† (Middlemist, Knowles, and Matter 545). They repeat this point multiple times in the course of the article. That the lack of knowledge of the test subjects that somehow, again, speaks to the universality of their results, which there is no direct evidence of. In fact, re gardless of the â€Å"promising† results they recorded there is actually no guaranteeing evidence that men are, often, aroused when near to others while urinating at a public urinal; and whether or not the slowness to begin urination or the shortness of its duration has anything to do with arousal, since most men complain of discomfort and unpleasantness associated with personal space violations in public restrooms. †¢Did the authors have any other purposes for sampling besides trying to enable generalization to a population? If so, describe this (these) purpose(s) Well there is a duality in their overall efforts to begin with. Although this study is specifically geared to determining the potential arousal responses of men when urinating while their space is invaded, there are other accessory purposes mentioned. Firstly, are the greater studies being attributed to invasion of personal space. Most of those studies have already indicated that there may be biological reacti on that can occur that might interfere with the immediacy and duration of urination that can be

Saturday, August 24, 2019

California Clinics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

California Clinics - Essay Example This will in turn increase the required rate of return. ii) Time Preference for Consumption: If people choose to consume their income now rather to save, this will reduce the supply of investment capital oblivious to the demand of investment capital at that time. In this conditions, the firm's will find lesser sources lending investment capital and they try to attract more investment capital by offering them higher interest rate and this will again increase the required rate of return from the investment following the higher rate of interest that these firms will be offering. Similarly, if people decide to save now and spend later, this will lead excess supply of investment capital in the market. The firms here will be able to obtain investment capital at lower rates and will enjoy decreased interest expenses. Some projects that were not feasible because of high interest rates in the market will now become feasible and firms will borrow more. However, due to excess investment capital available in the market, the interest rate will decrea se and so as the required rate of return. iii) Risk: Risk requires compensation and likewise it will affect the interest rate of capital of investment. If the risk of an investment is high, then the investors will only be willing to invest in that project at very high interest rates. ... iii) Risk: Risk requires compensation and likewise it will affect the interest rate of capital of investment. If the risk of an investment is high, then the investors will only be willing to invest in that project at very high interest rates. If the risk of a certain project is low, then the investors will be investing in that project at lower rates of return and interest rate. Hence, we can develop a relationship between interest rates and the risk of a project. These two variables are directly related with risk being the independent variable and interest being the variable depended upon risk factor of a project. Any increase in the risk factor is going to increase the interest rate or required rate of return of a project. Similarly, if the risk factor of an investment is low, so will be the interest rate. This clearly shows that risk requires compensation and interest rates vary depending on the risk factor of a project. A logical explanation to this is the fact that very few peopl e are interested in investing in highly risky project fearing that they may lose out their money. As a result, the supply on investment capital is very low for these projects and vice versa. Inflation: Inflation reduces the purchasing power of money. It erodes the purchasing power of people if their money is not invested into projects yielding interest rates which are at least equal to the going rate of inflation. If the interest rate earned is less that inflation, then you are losing out the real value of your money. This means that it won't be able to buy in the future, as much as it buying now. This is a dangerous situation for investors as they are faced with a situation in which the real value of their assets is decreasing. In times of inflations,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Socratic discussion exercise Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Socratic discussion exercise - Research Paper Example People are an important part of the culture as an organization depends upon its people ability and willingness to embrace the values. Narrative and places are also essential parts of the corporate culture and have importance as they are required to achieve the above four corporate cultures (Flamholtz & Randle, 2011). The above mentioned elements of corporate culture can be incorporated by developing a human-centered culture in which there must be trust between employer and employees. Strong leadership is one of the policies that help in incorporating the elements of corporate culture. An effective leadership style explaining the employees about the culture of the organization and working along with them can be very beneficial for the organization. Another policy to implement the elements of the corporate culture is to establish clear principles for the employees to work in a proper framework (Flamholtz & Randle, 2011). There are many policies to incorporate the essential elements of corporate culture, and the best procedure to establish is to have an effective leadership along with strategic communication as effective leadership, and communication are the only things that can build an

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Drug Use Amongst Police Officers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Drug Use Amongst Police Officers - Essay Example It also shows that key causes of the drug use that does exist include job-related stress, unique opportunity, and features of police culture. The effects of such drug use have negative impacts not just on the using officer, but also on colleagues and family. Durkheim's paradigm of functionalism is useful in analyzing this phenomenon. It helps explain how a poorly-functioning system can lead to increased police drug use, and a well-functioning system can reduce police drug use. Brunet (2003) surveyed a wealth of drug literature published from 1984 to 2002. Most found that low numbers of officers used illegal drugs. Several studies showed that anywhere from .31% to 20% of tested police officers in departments across the US and Australia used drugs. By comparison, a U.S. Department of Justice survey (2008) found that, while 8.2 % of full-time workers across America are regular drug users, those in protective service occupations, such as police were least likely to be users, with a rate of 3.4%. While the number of officers who use drugs may actually be quite small, the cases the public finds out about often cause terrific backlash. Effects of such use are felt by the individual officer, the police department as a whole, and the officer's family. The consequences impact public safety, public trust, and the ability of police to assist in the prosecution of criminals. Other consequences include the potential for greater corruption, reduced job productivity, and more civil liability for departments. Police officers who use drugs also place their families at greater risk for dysfunction and put their jobs at risk. Durkheim's paradigm of functionalism is beneficial in understanding drug use amongst police. It also provides insights into why some who are sworn to uphold the law break it in the very worst ways. Durkheim focused on the interactions and interdependence of society. He proposed that a smoothly functioning society had roles for individuals and norms to guide behaviors. When there is equilibrium in the system, individual needs are met and society works. When there is disequilibrium, society and individuals in society can suffer greatly. It is just this situation with drug use amongst police. Causes of Police Officer Drug Use As with the rest of the population, the causes of drug use amongst police officers are wide and varied. Stress, opportunity, and police culture are cited in many studies as central causes of drug abuse by police. According to Gorta (2008), police in Australia indicated that stress in their work and personal lives sometimes led to drug use. Many officers cited stressful situations such as killing someone in the line of duty or chasing someone in a high-speed pursuit as causing inordinate amounts of stress (Brunet, 2003). Many note that organizational rules, regulations, and procedures are stressors. Shift work and working irregular hours, as well as

Factional Distillation of Crude Oil Essay Example for Free

Factional Distillation of Crude Oil Essay This process is called fractional distillation. You basically heat crude oil up, let it vaporize and then condense the vapour The various components of crude oil have different sizes, weights and boiling temperatures; so, the first step is to separate these components. Because they have different boiling temperatures, they can be separated easily by a process called fractional distillation. The steps of fractional distillation are as follows: 1. You heat the mixture of two or more substances (liquids) with different boiling points to a high temperature. Heating is usually done with high pressure steam to temperatures of about 1112 degrees Fahrenheit / 600 degrees Celsius. 2. The mixture boils, forming vapor (gases); most substances go into the vapor phase. 3. The vapor enters the bottom of a long column (fractional distillation column) that is filled with trays or plates. The trays have many holes or bubble caps (like a loosened cap on a soda bottle) in them to allow the vapor to pass through. They increase the contact time between the vapor and the liquids in the column and help to collect liquids that form at various heights in the column. There is a temperature difference across the column (hot at the bottom, cool at the top). 4. The vapor rises in the column. 5. As the vapor rises through the trays in the column, it cools. 6. When a substance in the vapour reaches a height where the temperature of the column is equal to that substances boiling point, it will condense to form a liquid. (The substance with the lowest boiling point will condense at the highest point in the column; substances with higher boiling points will condense lower in the column. ). 7. The trays collect the various liquid fractions. 8. The collected liquid fractions may pass to condensers, which cool them further, and then go to storage tanks, or they may go to other areas for further chemical processing. Components of the Mixture Crude Oil Components All the . Product| Boiling point ( degrees Celsius )| Petroleum gas| 40| Naphtha or ligroin| 60-100| Gasoline| 40 205| Kerosene| 175-325| Gas oil| 250-350| Lubricating oil| 300-370| Heavy gas| 370-600| Residues| 600| Products of Separation Assessment Question: Why is the mixture separated? What are the components used for? Why is Mixture Separated? 42393793 161b What are the Components Used For? Below is a list of separated components and what they are used for: Petroleum gas Used for heating, cooking and making plastics. Commonly known by the names methane, ethane, propane, butane. Naphtha or Ligroin Intermediate that will be further processed to make gasoline. Gasoline Motor fuel. †¢liquid Kerosene Fuel for jet engines and tractors; starting material for making other products. †¢liquid Gas Oil or Diesel Distillate Used for diesel fuel and heating oil; starting material for making other products. †¢liquid Lubricating Oil Used for motor oil, grease, other lubricants. †¢liquid Heavy Gas or Fuel oil Used for industrial fuel; starting material for making other products. †¢liquid Residuals Coke, asphalt, tar, waxes; starting material for making other products.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Womens Rights Are Human Rights Speech Analysis Philosophy Essay

Womens Rights Are Human Rights Speech Analysis Philosophy Essay On 5 September 1995, Hillary Clinton, former first Lady of the United States, was invited by the Women Health Security Colloquium, which was sponsored by the World Health Organization, to attend the Fourth U.N. World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. As the Honorary Chairperson of the United States delegation to the conference, she gave the speech, Womens Rights Are Human Rights in the first few days during a special Plenary Session. In the speech, she utilized several persuasive techniques, also known as propaganda, grasping peoples attention in order to achieve support for the claim of the womens rights she was devoted to. Propaganda is usually a speech device that people intently use to induce or intensify others actions and attitudes with some deluded languages. Since propaganda is deliberate, it is often looked down as an evil and offensive tool. However, sometimes it can just be used for an act of persuasion or a personal perspective. According to Cross, propaganda is an important tool and seen in everywhere surrounding our lives. It needs to be correctly analyzed and respected and it can actually work toward good causes as well as bad (p.526). -For example, by intentionally incorporating propaganda into her speech, such as appealing to peoples emotions, distracting peoples attention, and somewhat misleading people, Hillary Clinton strengthened her persuasive power for womens rights and successfully beamed her message all over the world. Some propaganda techniques employ pathos, the act of appealing to peoples emotions. For example, plain-folks appeal, a device where a speaker tries to win our confidence and support by appearing to be a person like ourselves, is a type of propaganda. Clintons speech displays this technique when she says, We come together in fields and in factories. In village markets and supermarkets. In living rooms and board rooms. Her words suggest that she is one of those everyday people in fields, factories, markets, living rooms, and board rooms. Clinton further expands this idea by saying, We share a common future. This statement suggests that because we share the same future, we are on the same level. She is telling her audience that we should listen to her points because she is one of us, and thus has similar goals and interests to us. We are effectively led to believe that we should trust her so that we can overcome our shared struggles to achieve those shared goals and that shared future. Through plain-folks appeal, she turns her audience into trusting comrades-in-arms. She then employs the bandwagon technique in a similar manner. When she says, That is why every woman, every man, every child, every family, and every nation on our planet has a stake in the discussion that takes place here, she is again promoting that idea of oneness, which is the sharing of both struggles and goals. In the bandwagon technique, however, the goal is to pressure people to believe what everyone else believes and to conform, thus being faithful to the conference. There is a call to action. Clinton is telling the audience to jump on the bandwagon, because if one of them does not, that is the equivalent of turning away from your fellows. In the speech, she further strengthens the credibility of her argument by appealing to other emotions, such as pity and fear. Appealing to pity is achieved by attempting to win the audiences sympathy by giving examples of rightfully pitiable situations, in order to convince us of the conclusion or solution she will propose. One sees this technique in the statement: As an American, I want to speak up for women in my own country women who are raising children on the minimum wage, women who cant afford health care or child care, women whose lives are threatened by violence, including violence in their own homes. In that sentence, she in effect not only manages to tug on the audiences heartstrings, but also to subtly declare herself as the honorary representative of these poor souls; then she becomes the voice of the voiceless and oppressed. At the same time, it is also hard not to notice how Clinton makes the use of appeal to fear, a persuasion technique that implicitly threatens the audience and like the previous examples of pathos-based argument, uses emotions rather than reasons to persuade. Clinton displays this technique in her speech by saying, As long as discrimination and inequities remain so commonplace around the world as long as girls and women are valued less, fed less, fed last, overworked, underpaid, not schooled and subjected to violence in and out of their homes the potential of the human family to create a peaceful, prosperous world will not be realized. Here, she is basically saying that people feel pity for those disenfranchised individuals she gives as an example, but if we continue to do nothing, their situations will deteriorate further and worst of all, such situations may affect them as well, in their own family and in their own home. Of course, the point of stirring her audience to such extents is to pursue a specific ideal, sometimes even a certain agenda. In the speech, however, she does not specify what exact action she wants her audience to take, and yet the call to action is almost palpable. Clinton achieves this by distracting her audiences attention. In particular, she uses transfer-glory by association in this case-a propaganda technique wherein the speaker attempts to transfer our good feelings about one thing, towards their viewpoints. She makes her audience aware that her goal is the improvement of womens lives, What we are learning around the world is that if women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish. However, as we can see, she is careful not to exclude anyone from appreciating her viewpoints. In fact, she sugges ts that by joining her cause, people would actually be helping themselves. Clinton even broadens the scope of these purported benefits when she says, And when families flourish, communities and nations will flourish. Thus, by helping women, we are actually helping the entire world. It is an altruistic enough message in all respects. To cement such a message, however, we will notice that the speech is also littered with attempts to mislead the audience as well. For example, when she states, Women are the primary caretakers for most of the worlds children and elderly, she is making a hasty generalization in fact. As Cooper shown, A hasty generalization is a conclusion based on a sample that is too small or in some other way unrepresentative of the larger population. (p.152) Such a statement supports her overall argument and it might also be true in certain cases; however, she misleads her audience by stating it as a fact without stating a basis that men can also be the primary caretakers for children and seniors. Clintons use of another technique in her speech, stroking (Argumentum ad populum), gains my admiration. First, she presents an opposing view to her points when she states, There are some who wonder whether the lives of women and girls matter to economic and political progress around the globe. By suggesting that some people think it is not necessary to care about womens rights simply just because they think women are less useful in the field of economy and politics, she raises indignation. However, it is misleading in that it creates an opponent, an unspecified they, that may or may not exist. Thus, the argument becomes whether what they said is true or not, and not the possibility that no one truly said those instigating statements. Clinton then assures the indignant audience that there are many women who are just as successful as men in professions with high emolument in fact, stating: Let them look at the women gathered here and at Huairou the homemakers, nurses, teachers, lawyer s, policymakers, and women who run their own businesses. She manages to present both argument and counterargument without specifying who the enemy is supposed to be and uses stroking that makes us feel we as women are very important to the society. Another technique that Clinton uses to mislead her audience to cement her message is card-stacking. Card-stacking is the technique which tells us the fact that is true but still not the entirely true in order to prevent us from being aware of some other important facts. For example, Clinton employs this technique when she states, If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are womens rights and womens rights are human rights, once and for all. While it is true that womens rights are a part of human rights, human rights are not specific to just all women, they encompass the rights of both genders. Here, Clinton uses the card-stacking to mislead us, in order to perk up the importance of womens rights. Near the end, she uses card-stacking again when she says, Families rely on mothers and wives for emotional support and care; families rely on women for labor in the home; and increasingly, families rely on women for income needed to raise h ealthy children and care for other relatives. Considering the very diverse memberships, values, and situations of any set of real families, this generalization is not necessarily true; thus, she subtly misleads her audience again. Throughout the history, propaganda is often used by government or politics or advertiser to affect peoples attitude and consequently alter peoples decisions to become the follower of the point of the political party or become the consumer of the company involuntarily. However, the intention of Clintons speech is completely different. It does not have to damage an oppositions credit as in some candidates speech, and neither induces people to purchase something actually unnecessary in their lives as in some ads. It is about delivering a great message for her audience regarding the significance of public women welfare. Propaganda can be used in good manners as well as bad manners. By promoting the propaganda in the positive way, Clinton successfully increased my perception of the importance of womens rights and made me want to follow her idea as long as she dedicates for this claim.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Organization Hrm Practices Business Essay

The Organization Hrm Practices Business Essay In the present scenario of business, Human Resource Management practices are of great importance and are essential to some extent in order to get success in the global business environment. The most important aspect of Human Resource Management is Strategic HRM which provides implementation of the HR policies effectively in order to meet the requirements of the employees. The HRM practices are applied on the Emiratis airline in the below paragraphs and will also find out the effectiveness of HRM strategies over organization. Thus, the main purpose of the study is to explore the roles of the HRM practices and their implementation in the organization. About Emirates Airline- The particular airline is based at Dubai International airport in Dubai. It is also considered as largest airlines in the Middle East. The company also has four out of ten longest non-stop commercial flights from various places to other. Emirates airline is a subordinate of the emirates group that consists of over 50,000 employees and completely works under Government of Dubai. It was originated in the year 1985 after backup provided from some royal family of Dubai. Emirate is operating over thousands of flights every week across its network of 122 destinations which are situated in around 65 countries. During the mid 1980s, Gulf air cut back its services to Dubai terminals which led to the formation of Emirates in the year 1985. After getting back-up from one of the royal family of Dubai, the next step was to operate independent of the government subsidies apart from the start up money that is required. When it was started, it was headed by ahmed bin saeed al Maktoum, he is also present chairman of the airlines. After that, the airlines expanded both its fleet and its destinations. In October 2008, the operations of emirates were moved to Terminal 3 of Dubai International airport in order to sustain its rapid expansion and growth plans. Organization HRM Practices- There are various kinds of HRM practices being adopted by an organization in order to excel in their field. Some of the major HRM practice adopted by emirates airline are: Organizational Design- The emirates airline applied some standardized operating procedures in order to carry out their working, formal chains of command, various rules and regulation. The processes are basically used to shape the structure of the organizations that is to check out how decisions are made, how responsibility are defined and wideness of accountability is also checked. Staffing- There is a special kind of criteria set for bringing up fine talent in the aviation industry and particularly in Emirates airline. The recruiting and socializing of new employees in the company is done with the help of mentoring programs, orientation and socializing. Employee and Organizational Development- It is considered as best practice out of all HRM practices where desired outcome of development is seen in the form of skill building, team building, conceptual understanding and problem solving. There has been provision of training program to the employees in order to develop their skills and bring out hidden talent in each employee. Performance Management- There are various standard formed for the employees in order to maintain their performance throughout the financial year and the feedback is also provided after an employee goes through whole set of standards. The feedback is provided continuously in emirates for example there is performance measurement on the quarterly basis which provides a base for the employees to check on their performance. (Human Resource Management An Organizations Tool For Competitive Advantage, 2012) Reward Systems, Benefits and Compliance- There are various financial incentives provided to the employee, that is based on short term or long term and some of the company also provide their employees with non financial rewards such as some titles, recognition programs or some informal status symbols. Impact of HRM Practices- The impact of HRM practices on the organization is very effective in their nature. HRM practices mostly influence the employee skills through the development and acquisition of human capital of a particular firm. The recruitment procedures provides an opportunity of a large pool of qualified applicants having pair with reliable and suitable selection regimen with substantial influence over the kind of skills which a new employee possess. HRM practices could also affect employee motivation through encouraging them to work harder and smartly. It is important to note that goof behavior of employees is necessary for better performance of organization and in which HRM practices can effect each employeeà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s motivation and behavior. HRM practices is also related with the two dimensions of its performance where firstly superior HRM practices make increment in the discretionary effort of employees and secondly if the returns comes from the investments in superio r HRM practices exceeds true cost, then it will lead to lower employee turnover and greater efficiency. (HUSELID, 1995) Relation between Practices and Strategies of Emirates- These practices are followed at every level in Emirates as the chairman of the company; there are various rules and regulations made by him. The employee recruitment procedure is of most importance in the company like Emirates which follows a tough guideline to recruit an employee. The rewards which are given to employees in the company are of two kinds financial and non-financial whereas the HRM practices also consists of these kinds of rewards. The performance is analyzed on the regular basis in the company which also shows that practices are aligned to strategies of the company. Recommendations- There are few recommendations for the HR department of Emirates for playing a bigger strategic role. Some of the recommendations are- The reward system which is provided should analytical as the performance should be analyzed and then reward should be presented to an individual. There should be formation of a panel that should take care of an individual performance and this panel should operate at large level and should also cover most of employees. The recruitment procedure should be made analytical where the actual talent of a candidate is judged. Conclusion- This project was based on the HRM practices where the practices discussed were important from the companyà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s point of view. It is also examined whether the practices could be applied on the strategies of the emirates or not. The practices also discussed the overview of the effect it provides on the organization.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes :: Expository Essays

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes Back in my high school, one day out of the month was dedicated to student-led clubs. On these so-called club days, most kids will go to any club just to get out of class. Some exclusive clubs, such as the Chess club, would look down on this. These groups would happily kick some kids, but there was one club happy to see everyone who came: the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. The little exposure to Christianity found at this club was all that some kids would get and the moderators of my school’s club knew this. Little by little, this is FCA’s nation-wide goal: to change the world into knowing Jesus Christ. This non-profit organization is responsible for everything from small club meetings in middle schools, high schools, and colleges, to massive summer camps. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes’s website lists the group’s mission which is to present the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church to athletes and coaches and all whom they influence (FCA). No matter whether on the court or in a group-led bible study, FCA focuses on this mission. FCA’s home website is www.fca.org. This site is very well done and contains an abundance of information, such as the organization’s values: â€Å"Our relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through integrity, serving, teamwork and excellence.† FCA's goal of Integrity states that we will demonstrate Christ-like wholeness, privately, and publicly. For the goal of serving, we will model Jesus' example of serving. As for Teamwork, we will express our unity in Christ in all our relationships. Lastly, for excellence: we will honor and glorify God in all we do (FCA). FCA’s in-your-face style of doctrine is pretty effective. Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA is the largest interdenominational, school -based, Christian sports organization in America. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

My Cousin’s Funeral :: Personal Narrative Writing

My Cousin’s Funeral I dreamt once that I was in love with my cousin Rob Campbell. In the dream, he was rosy and cherubic. When we kissed, he was soft. In the morning, my lips remembered Rob’s kisses. I felt the sensation dancing quietly just above my skin, woven and brushed, like a cashmere sweater. I talked to my dad over instant messenger and told him that I had a dream that Rob was my lover. I didn’t want to tell him this, embarrassed, but something seemed to propel me forward. He typed his response, slowly. I waited. â€Å"That’s O.K,† the screen read. â€Å"I dreamed a lot about my brother when he died too.† My grandfather Hank died one day in my living room. He fell out of bed and called to my mom, singing on the night air, â€Å"Peggy, Peggy...† No one heard him until it was the cusp of dark and light. There was a moment when he died. He was a fountain of coagulation and mucus. He was very pale and his skin looked like a molded piece of white rubber. I was 16 but I felt like an infant in that moment when my grandfather took his last breath. At Rob’s visiting hours, there is a reception line. His mother and father and sister and brother stand up next to the casket. My dad and mom—his uncle and aunt—are up there too, along with my paternal grandparents and my dad’s brother Mark. I sit in the back with my brother and his wife and my boyfriend. I watch as the room fills with people. The line toward the casket is jumbled and when people first enter the room, they don’t see Rob. They see Debbie and Paul and Becky and Aaron first. Then, as the line straightens out, they see Rob, white and chalky. I watch as mouths open, lips quiver, eyes close, Rob’s apples jump, breaths halt. I feel bad watching their pain so I watch their hands instead. Hand to hand. Grasping hands of my dad and my grandfather. Strangers. Sweaty hands, clammy hands, nervous hands, sad hands. At one point, my grandmother leaves the receiving line. She is wearing the purple flowered dress from J.C. Penney that she wore to my high school graduation. â€Å"Susan, I’m glad James and I got the flu shot,† she whispers to me on her way to the bathroom.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Media †‘When the Levees Broke’ Essay

A Spike Lee documentary looking into the tragic event of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. It shows camera footage and interviews from various people such as: residents , politicians and police men who were all caught up in the disaster. Divided into four parts, the film goes on for four hours. During this, numerous people with different roles are interviewed regarding their experiences. Spike Lee has introduced the film but using archive footage and photos of New Orleans. It shows the damage, debris and severe flood scenes that were left behind after the breech of the levees. Also, Spike Lee has used music effectively to show and add emotion to the narration and commentary. He has varied the kind of music that is being played throughout the film. He would use a slow, calm piano piece for a distressing scene. Whereas for a scene where help and aid is being sent, there would be a more up beat and military piece of music. There were a lot of sounds. Sounds varying from helicopters and cars to narration and commentary. Usually when a witness was being interviewed, background sounds were muffled out. This allowed what the witness was saying to have more meaning and get the message across more effectively. The interviewees all discussed their emotional state during the though times. Some cried and other spoke in an angry tone. Politics played a large role in terms of the slow, emergency response to the tragedy. Many politicians were interviewed and mostly claimed they were unaware of what had happened in New Orleans. What was even more shocking, was how long it took president Bush to become conscious of the issue. This happened on the fifth day after the hurricane. People were starving, searching for shelter and trying to find missing relatives. Some tried to leave the city, but were met by military men with guns, who had just instructed them to go back. These politicians were abusing their power and forgetting about what really had to be done.

The Importance Of Motivation In The Language Classroom Education Essay

Motivation is one of the biggest thrusts of larning a 2nd linguistic communication and it is a cardinal portion of what a instructor faces every twenty-four hours. The English course of study for primary and secondary school clearly states that it is a instructor ‘s duty to heighten and excite each and every pupil ‘s will to larn and to turn. ‘Being able to promote pupils and derive support from co-workers and parents is an built-in portion of the function of MFL instructors. ‘ ( Teaching Agency, 2012 ) The MFL topic has n't played such an of import function in the National Curriculum in the yesteryear that might be due that taking a linguistic communication as a GCSE topic is and was non mandatory. What is the EBC? ‘The EBacc was introduced as a public presentation step in the 2010 public presentation tabular arraies. The step recognises where students have secured a ‘C ‘ class or better in GCSEs or accredited international GCSEs ( iGCSEs ) across a nucleus of topics – English, mathematics, two scientific disciplines, history or geographics and a linguistic communication ( including Modern Foreign Languages ( MFL ) or ancient linguistic communications ) . ‘ ( Sam Clemens, 2011 ) However, surveies found that with the debut of the new English Baccalaureate Certificates ( EBCs ) pupils ‘ motive to larn a linguistic communication could alter. It seems to me that at the students do non see the intent for larning a linguistic communication as the general premise is â€Å" every one speaks English † ‘For many in the UK, English is their first and lone linguistic communication. On evidences of functionality, why would they desire to acquire their caputs around the grammar, vocabulary and literature of aliens? They comfort themselves with the belief that â€Å" everyone speaks English † – when that ‘s non true of 75 % of the universe ‘s population. ‘ ( The Observer, Sunday 26 June 2011 ) This paper will research motive in the secondary school category room with the focal point specifically on larning a 2nd linguistic communication, L2. First I will research what is meant by Motivation, I believe it is utterly of import that the reader understand what is meant with the term motive as this term is examined throughout this research paper. The 2nd portion of the essay will analyse motivational factors and motivational jobs. It will look at what motivates human existences and what does non actuate them. This is valuable as it is portion of a instructor ‘s tool box if he/she wants to act upon their pupils ‘ motive. In decision this essay will look at motivational schemes a instructor can use to act upon pupils ‘ motive.What is meant with the term Motivation?To reply the inquiry of what is motive 1 has to detect that the squad is really various. The Latin verb â€Å" motivus † , a signifier of movere which means to travel and as a consequence is rel ated to the importance of motive. Generally Motivation is described as end orientated behavior. A definition of the word motive might be â€Å" factors within a human being or other animate being that arouse and direct goal-oriented behavior † ( britannica.com, Motivation ) . Gardner and Masgoret put forward that Motivation refers to ‘goal-directed behavior ( californium, Heckhausen, 1991 ) , and when one is trying to mensurate motive, attending, can be directed toward a Numberss of characteristics of the person. ‘ ( Gardner and Masgoret, 2003 ) A broad scope of literature has been written on that subject and there are many different thoughts out at that place on what Motivates people and pupils ‘ . Every homo being has different committedness demands. Those need differ from single to single as everybody has their single desires to actuate themselves. Depending on how motivated we are, it can find the attempt we put into our work and hence increase the criterion of the productiveness. Motivation has been contemplated as one of the most of import constituents lending to linguistic communication larning success. Research over the last decennaries has over and over once more underlined the of import place of motive in successful linguistic communication acquisition. ( Gardner & A ; Lambert, Deci and Ryan, Ushioda, Dornyei ) . Two of the taking theories covering with 2nd linguistic communication acquisition were proposed by Stephen Krashen and J.H. Schumann. Krashen ‘s thought was that linguistic communication acquisition is a subconscious and natural procedure during which the scholar improves with real-life pattern. â€Å" Grammar-translation violates about every constituent of the Input Hypothesis, and it is hence predicted that this method will hold the consequence of seting the pupil â€Å" on the defensive † ( Stephen D Krashen, P 129, 1982 ) While Schumann ‘s socialization theoretical account high spots an integration of the scholars ‘ mark linguistic communication, civilization and community. Harmonizing to Schumann the scholar regards the TL talkers as a mention group whose life manner and values he consciously or unconsciously desires to follow. ( Schumann, P 340, 1986 ) Both theories can be applied in the schoolroom for a positive consequence.What does Motivation intend for the linguistic communication schoolroom?I believe it is highly of import to understand how motive works in the schoolroom. There are endless processs instructors use to carry through coveted effects from their pupils, but there are overall forms these motivational tools follow. In ordination for instructors to convey with their pupils, they must place with their demands on an idiosyncratic footing. This purpose is matching to Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs, which states basic demands must be met to obtain rich motive. These demands, in go uping order, are as follows: Physiological Needs, Safety and Security Needs, Love and Belongingness Needs, Self-Worth and Self-Esteem Needs, the Need to Know and Understand, Aesthetic Needs, the Need for Self-Actualization ( D. Martin and K. Joomis, Constructing Teachers: A Constructivist Approach to Introducing Education, pp. 72-75.1997 ) . The most of import point about Maslow theory is for pupils to hold a educational end and that acquisition is taking topographic point. Another of import factor is to do this freshly gained cognition and information purposeful every bit good as meaningful to pupils so that it may be retained. Besides pupils should see the intent for retaining the cognition and how they could utilize it throughout their lives. An indispensable factor involved in run intoing these ends is motive. If the pupils are unmotivated in one manner or another, it is likely that barely any acquisition will take topographic point or it is really likely that cognition will non be retained. This theory had a great impact on educational constructions. In his ulterior old ages, Maslow realised that an environmental stipulation of stimulation, or challenge, was needed to actuate persons. Maslow ‘s first demand of physiological satisfactoriness is really basic. This inquiry merely asks if pupils are in a comfy and safe environing for their acquisition. In apparent English, are pupils hungry, excessively cold, excessively hot and is the environment exciting to larn in? If a pupil ‘s physical surrounding does non fit decently with the pupil ‘s demand, he/she will non be encouraged to larn or to make any higher demand. Similarly, if pupils do non experience safe ( via the 2nd demand, security ) , they will non be able to concentrate larning something. Consistent outlooks and the accepting and non-judgmental attitude of the instructors can besides bring forth pupils who feel secured and confident in their instructors. On the juncture that a pupil feels threatened by another pupil or by the instructor, he/she may non come on every bit good as hoped. Furthermore in many instances, he/she reverts from the instruction instead than reacting to it. In order to decrease feelings of menace, a instructor can attest feelings of protection and love, which is the 3rd hierarchical demand. The demand for the sense of love and belonging in pupils are of import either in the teacher-student relationships or in the student-student relationships. A instructor ‘s personality should be empathic, considerate and interested in the persons, patient, carnival, holding positive attitude and being good hearer. Teachers who have these features will supply the pupils with more assurance and accordingly students will be able to larn and better better in their surveies. With respect to the pupil to student relationships instructors should promote peer tutoring or category meetings. By holding good relationships with instructors and equals, pupils will hold fulfilled their demand to belong, and besides have the feeling of being cared and loved. In Maslow ‘s 4th demand, respect, a instructor must be careful non to overload on both unfavorable judgment and congratulations. Students must experience as if they deserve congratulations in order for them to absorb difficult work with congratulations. Teachers besides should non bury that unfavorable judgment, even when applied right, can damage students ‘ feelings and can make a deficiency of motive. Students must experience the demand of self-respect and to be respected by the others. Teachers should get down develop new cognition based on the background cognition, they besides have to assist to guarantee success ( scaffolding ) and to gait instructions to suit single demands. Teachers should besides concentrate on the person ‘s strengths and assets when be aftering lessons and transporting them out. To fulfill the following demand of understanding and cognition, the instructors should let the pupils ‘ clip to research countries of wonder and to supply lessons that are intellectually disputing. By utilizing the find attack subjects, the pupils can larn to be independent and larn from assorted angles. By acquiring involved intellectually, the pupils can fulfill their demand to carry through their demand to research, discover and work out new things. Teachers must besides be careful to asseverate authorization ; nevertheless, they must besides esteem pupils for their attempts. The demand for aesthetic is besides really of import for the pupils. By forming schoolroom stuffs in a neat and appealing manner, the pupils will be attracted to larn about the things related to the stuffs. Pleasing, good maintained and fresh smelling schoolrooms with attractive wall hangings can make stableness in the pupils who will experience comfy to analyze in such surrounding. The highest demand in the Maslow ‘s hierarchy of demands is the demand for self realization. Teachers anticipating the pupils to make their best will force the pupils to use their ain potency and at the same clip to fulfill their ain demand of self fulfillment. By giving the pupils freedom to research and detect on their ain, the instructors are able to do larning more meaningful for the pupils A pupil who fails to accomplish any of the old four demands may non be motivated to go on in the academic scene because of the intensions of defeat and misgivings in the instruction system. While Maslow ‘s hierarchy makes sense from a sociology point of position, there are defects in his theory. When Maslow undertook his research he did n't take 3rd universe states in consideration. There frequently safety is non given or their might non even experience comfy with in their environment, nevertheless, acquisition is still taking topographic point, as pupils are motivated by other factors. Thus might be hope of a better life, being cognizant that geting a 2nd linguistic communication will let them to go forth their milieus one twenty-four hours. Even in the UK as informant and my first school arrangement the first basic demand of Physiological Need was non fulfilled. Their some pupils came to school without holding had breakfast in the forenoon. The environment they had to larn in was non in my point of you educational exciting as Windowss could be closed or opened. Therefore, frequently pupils were to hot or excessively cold. However and this is of import to indicate out larning took topographic point. Therefore, the inquiry arouses why is that so if the first demand was n't f ulfilled why did n't pupils make a higher degree anyhow? As mentioned before a broad scope of literature has been written on Motivation and there are many different thoughts out at that place on what Motivates pupils ‘ . Every pupil has different demands. Those need differ from single to single as everybody has their single desires to actuate themselves. Gardner and Lambert ( 1959, 1972 ) have done radical work to look at the nature of motive specifically to linguistic communication surveies. Gardner high spots in a paper from 2007 ‘that Motivation to larn a 2nd linguistic communication is non a simple concept. It can non be measured by one graduated table ; possibly the whole scope of motive can non be assessed by even three or four graduated tables. It decidedly can non be assessed by simply inquiring persons to give grounds for why they think larning a linguistic communication is of import to them. ‘ ( Gardner, 2007 ) In 1982 Gardner and Lambert ( 1972:3 ) defined two different types of motive: 1 ) A Instrumental motive: the desire to larn a linguistic communication because it would carry through certain useful ends, such as acquiring aA occupation, go throughing an scrutiny, etc. 2 ) A Integrative motive: Gardner ‘s position is based on that the ‘ integratively motivated pupil is one who is motivated to larn the 2nd linguistic communication, has an openness to designation with the other linguistic communication community, and has a favourable attitude towards the acquisition state of affairs. ‘ ( Gardner and Masgoret, 2003 ) Differentiations have been made in the literature between ‘integrative † and ‘instrumental ‘ motive. However, Penny suggests ( 2005:276 ) that, research since so has cast uncertainty on the application of this claim to foreign linguistic communication scholars in general.A In any instance, at least one other survey has indicated that it may be impossible in pattern to separate between the two. An alternate differentiation, perchance more utile for instructors, is that between ‘intrinsic ‘ motive ( the impulse to prosecute in the acquisition activity for its ain interest ) and ‘extrinsic ‘ ( motive that is derived from external inducements ) . A Human existences in general are so different from each other. This does n't merely use to people but to pupils besides. Different pupils get motivated by different factors, therefore might be motivated per se or extrinsically. Up to a certain age pupils tend to acquire motivated by the possibility of having a dainty. Those dainty could be in the signifier of Sweets or more often used as witnessed by myself merit spines. When I was a kid within the German instruction system we would have small casts in the signifier of bees in the dorsum of our prep journal. We besides received classs from the first twelvemonth ahead. This besides was extremely actuating. Even so it merely extrinsically motivated us as pupils until we saw the intent of acquisition and our motive changed into intrinsic motive. We both types of motive I can see flaws. What happens if no wages system is introduces with in the schoolroom environment through classs, Sweets or virtues spines will larn still take topographic point? And on the other manus how do you actuate a kid to prosecute in larning for its ain interest? Captured within extrinsic and intrinsic motive are the thoughts of positive and negative support. These incentives are normally used in schoolrooms in order to arouse a desire to accomplish in pupils. Positive support is a manner of adding a enjoyable experience to a pupils head in order to prosecute that student. Praise is a common signifier of this ; a instructor who decently utilizes congratulations commends the student for his or her peculiar piece of work, non personal qualities that make the work particular. However, a instructor must be every bit sensitive to different civilizations as to the bulk civilization. Hitz and Driscoll ( 1989 ) point out that pupils from different socioeconomic categories, ability degrees, and genders may non react in the same manner to praise and may do pupils experience less worthy if they do non invariably receive congratulations. Self-government Theory Deci and Ryan ( 1985 ) introduced self-government theory and claimed that motive has three orientations viz. amotivation, extrinsic, and intrinsic. Amotivation takes topographic point when pupils do non value the activity that they are making, do non experience competent, and do non believe that the activity will profit them or take to a desired result ( Deci & A ; Ryan, 2000 ) . Extrinsic and intrinsic orientations are distinguished by whether the wages received is external such as having good classs or avoiding penalty, or internal, such as enjoyment and satisfaction in making a certain activity ( Dornyei, 1994 ) . When pupils are motivated because of a wages or effects that they will have for making or non making an activity, they are said to be extrinsically motivated. Deci and Ryan ( 2000 ) put extrinsic motive into four ordinances harmonizing to their degree of orientation toward self-government. External ordinance is the least self-determined extrinsic motive. Students who are externally regulated are those who do an activity due to an external wages or other considerations. The following degree is introjected ordinance. Students in this degree of extrinsic motive do non bask making an activity but they have a system of wages and penalty that is internally governed. The 3rd degree is identified ordinance where pupils are more self-determined. Students in this degree are engaged in an activity because they perceived that the activity is valuable to them. Finally, the most self-determined of extrinsic motive is integrated ordinance. This ordinance is performed by pupils who do non merely make the activity because the societal value says it is of value to them, but they do it because they themselves value the activity. This orientation resembles Do rnyeiaˆYs ideal ego ( 2005 ) in that all the properties that one would wish to possess can work as a really powerful incentive. It is besides really similar to intrinsic motive, yet at this phase pupils do non needfully bask making the undertakings. In some state of affairss, nevertheless, congratulations is non appropriate to supervise and modify pupils? behaviors. In general, behavior and attitude are highly of import aspects in the kingdom of motive, and instructors must be cognizant of agencies to halt behavior that is harmful to his, or other pupils larning. In some instances, the usage of negative support is appropriate. The construct of negative support is hard to learn and larn because the word negative confuses the significance, but the construct refers to beef up [ ing ] a behavior because a negative status is stopped or avoided as a effect of the behaviour. ? ( Levine, 1999 ) . In the schoolroom, this would be warning a pupil to halt a riotous behavior, such as researching inappropriate web sites on the Internet. Rather than utilize a wages to corrupt pupils to remain on undertaking, instructors can take away a positive force to take away the negative action. Many pupils are motivated by the chance of delighting the instructor, hence avoiding negative support, which can be abashing to a pupil. These general forms of motive are utile in the schoolroom, but instructors must besides be cognizant of a altering society in order to provide to pupils demands. In today ‘s universe where 10 twelvemonth olds can easy pull strings through the cyberspace, instructors must he trained in ways to use engineering in a schoolroom scene Autonomy Ushioda ( 2001 ) claimed that liberty is the demand to experience volitional. It is the province in which pupils perceive themselves as holding some picks in making a certain undertaking including a pick non to make the undertaking. Autonomy is one of the metacognitive elements that are needed in motivational behavior when acquisition. It is an attitude towards larning where pupils are responsible for their ain acquisition. It has been closely tied with the fulfillment of one ‘s demands that creates intrinsic motive ( Deci & A ; Ryan, 1985 ) . Dickinson ( 1995 ) argued that it leads to a better and more effectual accomplishment. Dornyei and Csizer ( 1998 ) listed advancing studentsaˆY liberty as one of the Ten Commandment that instructors have to maintain in head in heightening studentsaˆY motive. Motivational Schemes Last, Dornyei and Csizer ( 1998:215 ) performed an extended study where they investigated how 200 Magyar instructors of English worked with actuating their pupils during category. They came up with 10 of the most used schemes and these can be seen as a concise overview of what has antecedently been presented: 1. â€Å" Set a personal illustration with your ain behavior † . If the instructor acts as he/she would desire the pupils to move, the opportunities are greater that they really will so by demoing that the topic is merriment, interesting and of import this attitude might be transmitted to the pupils. 2. â€Å" Create a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere in the schoolroom † . If the ambiance is pleasant, the pupils are more likely to hold the bravery to show themselves in a 2nd linguistic communication, something which can frequently experience intimidating for many. 3. â€Å" Present the undertakings decently † If the undertakings are presented decently the pupils are less likely to happen content and assignments to be confounding and thereby lose motive to work because they do non understand what to make. 4. â€Å" Develop a good relationship with the scholars † . If the instructor has a good relationship with the pupils, they are more likely to experience comfy and unafraid during category. This will so increase the opportunities of the pupils experiencing motivated to larn the topic. 5. â€Å" Increase the scholars ‘ lingual assurance † . If the pupils ‘ assurance is increased, they are more likely to experience it is deserving their while to analyze and larn. Without assurance, the pupils tend to believe that it does non count whether they study or non, they will non win in the terminal anyhow. 6. â€Å" Make the linguistic communication classes interesting † . If the content of the English categories are perceived as interesting by the pupils, they are more likely to desire to larn it. 7. â€Å" Promote scholar liberty † . If the pupils learn how to work by themselves during category and to win after holding taken charge of an assignment themselves, this might do them see that they accomplished this by themselves and thereby actuate them to go on acquisition. 8. â€Å" Personalize the acquisition procedure † . If the acquisition procedure is personalized, which in this instance refers to the utilizing of relevant stuff and the integrating of the pupils ‘ ain personalities in the content of the topic, the pupils are more likely to encompass what is to be learned. 9. â€Å" Increase the scholars ‘ goal-orientedness † . If the instructor helps the pupils to put ends for themselves of what they want to carry through and larn, it becomes easier for the pupils to concretize how they need to travel about it in order to make the end. This manner, a end does non resemble an unsurmountable obstruction which might interfere with the pupils ‘ motive to larn an L2. 10. â€Å" Familiarize scholars with the mark linguistic communication civilization † . If the pupils know about the English states and their civilizations, the pupils ‘ attitudes towards the linguistic communication might better and thereby rendering the linguistic communication more interesting and actuating to larn.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Initiate Changes in the Corporate Culture of the Business Essay

Currently, to lead in the 21st century organization become more challenges, as a manager in bank leading toward excellent organization needs more changes. There are several management changes that manger need to change its culture. Basically, leadership roles must be upgrade because nowadays as manager they need a lot of thinking and variety of skills such as motivation, drive, honesty, conceptual ability, mastering in technology, lifelong learner and great communicator. As manger also need to show high performance to make sure every staff in bank get inspired to do better in their performance. Before initiate changes, as a manager in this bank need to choose stretch goals to make sure which part should be changes and to identify outstanding practices, process and standards in other successful organization to be adapted in this organization. On the other hand, as a manager need to plan for contingencies, in case some of the new changes cannot be adapted by management in this bank. To be more understand about organization flow and to solve management problems, a manager must planned from Bottom-to-Top which means, manager must know and understand what is problems that their face and asks opinion from lower level manager what needs to be changes. As a manager also must be open minded and able change mind in adaptation to technology changes, because currently this organization practices slow flow management especially first line management which directly dealing with customer. Firstly, avoid customer waiting too long, provide more counter and the counter must be available because having more counter without staff will make customer complaint and they will find other bank that will serve them better than us. At the same time, system numbering must be follow counter correctly without any double customer in one time, because the digital numbering sometimes not work properly and make customer confuse either they have to wait or go to the counter. When comes to serve customer, workers having problem with current machine to calculate oney, so as a manger must find high-technology with high quality machine to make sure the machine can run smoothly without having too many problems. Hire more staff is good to organization because this organization just have few staff to entertain customer service especially in loan process, such as handle loan land, loan ASB (Amanah Saham Berhad), loan house and any related to customer services. In this case, customer will see how fast we can settle their request or problems, because customer cannot wait too long especially working peoples. So, with having more counter and staff it will help reduce number of queue customer. In addition, provide more touch screen computer that contains guideline to fill up any form or option or document needed before proceed with counter, the guideline also includes for first time customer to register with us. The machine must put in every corner of bank to avoid customer queue too long and to reduce cost of workers in customer service department. Besides, number of ATM and cash deposit machine need to increase because of many customers complaint have to wait and queue to long with small number of ATM and cash deposit machine. on the other hand, this bank need to change with using high-technology system in computer such use scanning to identify customer fast and correctly, then use high-technology programming to build up better application system in every ATM machine and cash deposit machine, which customer may do payment any bills, loan, prepaid, transfer to other bank and so on to avoid wasting time at counter provided. Furthermore, the 21st century organization need to show fast adaptation in any technology changes, so with development of internet network, company must make sure website of organization must be safe and protected by high security system to avoid hackers to the company website and databases. After that, the website must be user friendly and up-to-date information, because some of customer hard to understand the instruction and requirements needed through website especially for generation X (40 years and above). Obviously, this organization practices culture of grouping different race, level and department or community. So, as a manager need to plan and change it to break the group and let workers unite together to achieves goals and cooperate each other to success in their carrier. At the same time, rewards staff that has more effort to make company success and achieve organization’s goals. Such as, appreciate them with put their name in business successful story in magazines, newspaper and website to make heir feel appreciated and worth with all given effort that they have contributed to company. Then, give extra bonus and increased salary for that staffs perform well in jobs given. Quality controlled must be introduced in this organization, because with having more technology, staff, and counter cannot solve management problem without control it time to time. Quality control needed to help management make better decision and continuous improvement in this business. At the same time, attract more customer and shareholder to come and do business with us because of guaranteed quality from this bank. Finally, to expand more business and profit of organization, as a manager must be a great communicator and always think globalize to adapt with our environment and global environment. Such as, to penetrate market in Japan, the organization must learn Japanese language and their culture, so that company may easily adapt with their culture that focus on save the environment.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Afterlife Essay

Death is unexplainable. It happens to everyone, everything, and its uncontrollable. Because of this, many have their own interpretations of death. In Ingmar Bergman’s movie, The Seventh Seal, death is portrayed to be deceitful and humorous. The film also reveals that the nature of death is irrelevant to our expectations. Since death is inevitable, deceitfulness is certain. At the beginning of the movie, the Knight talks Death into a game of chess to prolong his life and even have the chance to escape death all together. Throughout the film, the Knight and Death proceed with their game when time is found between the two. At one point away from their match, the Knight goes to a church searching for answers from God and sees a priest at a confession window. The Knight goes to ask the priest for answers and admits that he is playing a game of chess with Death. He then foolishly confesses his strategy to win his chess match, only to find out that Death was actually the priest. Death then tells the Knight, â€Å"I’ll remember that,† as he disappears with a smirk and the Knight’s strategy to win the game. This is not the only time that Death used his dishonesty and trickery to make sure his job was complete to take people’s lives though. Another instance in the movie is where a witch is going to be burned. She is seen throughout the story as being possessed by the devil and being avoided by everyone except for the soldiers, paid to transport her to the burning. When she is in the final minutes of her life, the knight asks the soldiers the answer of why her hands were crushed and why she is being burned. The soldiers then answered him, â€Å"Ask the monk. As the Knight turned around to see who the monk was, he saw Death dressed in his dark cloak with a grin on his face knowing he has fooled the soldiers into believing he was a monk, and that the witch must die. Just these two instances show death’s deceitfulness to make sure people know death in unavoidable. Death is also depicted as having a sense of humor in The Seventh Seal as well. When Death and the Knight first begin their chess match, the Knight grabs one black and white piece from the board and put them behind his back and exchanges them from hand to hand. He then held both hands out and Death chose one to determine his color for the game. As he picked the hand he drew the black piece determining his color. With his dry sense of humor Death said, â€Å"Very appropriate, don’t you think so? † with a pale grin on his face. Another occurrence of Death’s sense of humor is when it is Skat’s time to die. The musician was on top of a tree and Death showed up with a saw and started to saw it down showing the variety of ways he takes lives to the afterlife. When doing this, Skat is trying to reason with Death by telling him that he can’t die because he has a performance. Once again, Death answers in a monotone voice, â€Å"Then it’s canceled because of death. † Skat then brings up his contract into the dialogue but Death abruptly replies, â€Å"Your contract is terminated,† showing his wittiness as people reason their life with him. Death’s conversation with the people he his taking lives from is emotionally irrelevant which shows his dry wit to the occasion. Given that death is certain, when people are approached by it, they ask for forgiveness and mercy from God. Everyone wants to know the answer if there really is a heaven and a hell, if there really is an afterlife, but nobody is certain. That is why the nature of death is irrelevant to our expectations. On one instance in the movie, the Knight is talking to Death and asks God for knowledge, only to have Death answer, â€Å"He remains silent. † The knight then cries, â€Å"I call out to Him in the dark but no one seems to be there,† only to have Death reply, â€Å"Perhaps no one is there. † This is not the only time death answers the knight’s questions. At the end of the chess game between the two, the knight once again asks death to divulge his secrets about life after death, but Death answers, â€Å"I have no secrets,† and that he has nothing to tell. To question death is impractical. We demand answers when death arrives but receive none. Death is just another step in the circle of life. We can’t expect answers at the end of our life when we didn’t search for them when we were alive. Still today, Bergman’s interpretation of death is highly respected by others, and even used by present directors. Of course death is deceitful; it has to be or people would live forever. There is no escaping it. For when your time comes, your life will flash before your eyes. Evidently, it will be of your blissful memories with friends and family. You should die with a pleasant smile on your face. That is why death is described as being humorous in Bergman’s film. Since death is the one thing in life that no one can gain knowledge on, everyone expects answers when their time has come. Do they receive them? Death knows nothing about existence after him; it’s just another step in life. Do you strive for answers about afterlife, or will you ignore till your time comes?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Learning from LeapFrog Essay

1. What was the Leapfrog business model at the time that the company launched its first products and services? How did the business model change over time? 2. Who are LeapFrog’s key stakeholders? How does LeapFrog deliver value to each of these stakeholder groups? 3. At the time of the case, Leapfrog had become the #3 consumer toy company in the U.S. behind #1 and #2, Mattell and Hasbro respectively. What factors contributed to Leapfrog’s success? Do you expect the success to continue in the future? 4. What challenges and opportunities does the company face in early 2003? Would you buy stock in Leapfrog? Why or why not? As an independent member of the company’s board of directors, what would you expect of management in the short-term and long-term? How would you fulfill your fiduciary duties to the company’s shareholders? Canyon Ranch 1. What is the value of customer information to Canyon Ranch? 2. As CIO, how would you make the case for customer relationship management (CRM) and business intelligence (BI) systems at Canyon Ranch? 3. What impact would you anticipate these systems to have on the Canyon Ranch strategy and capabilities? 4. What advice do you have for Canyon Ranch executives? Business Intelligence Software at SYSCO 1. What will be the biggest obstacles faced by the business intelligence implementation as it expands throughout SYSCO? 2. Why did SYSCO decide to initially address only two questions with its new BI software, rather than using it as a more general analysis tool in the operating companies? Why did Business Objects recommend this approach? What are its strengths and weaknesses? 3. Will effective use of BI software ever be a competitive differentiator for SYSCO? Wouldn’t it be straightforward for another food service company to also purchase and implement similar software? 4. How much software should Day purchase at this time? Boeing’s e-Enabled Advantage 1. What challenges and opportunities did Boeing face in the late 1990s? 2. What is the e-Enabled Advantage? How did it link to the company’s strategy? 3. What advantages would such an approach give Boeing? 4. What challenges did Boeing face in executing such a radical new strategy? CareGroup 1. Describe the health care context in which the case occurs. 2. List several strengths of the IT environment at CareGroup. 3. On the other hand, list several weaknesses that led to the collapse. 4. Evaluate carefully the 10 lessons that John Halamka learned from the experience. What are the pros and cons of each of these lessons? Are there other learnings that come from this situation? The IPremier Company: Denial of Service Attack 1. How well did the IPremier Company perform during the seventy-five minute attack? If you were Bob Turley, what might have you done differently during the attack? 2. The IPremier Company CEO, Jack Samuelson, had already expressed to Bob Turley his concern that the company might eventually suffer from a â€Å"deficit in operating procedures.† Were the company’s operating procedures deficient in responding to this attack? What additional procedures might have been in place to better handle the attack? 3. Now that the attack has ended, what can the IPremier Company do to prepare for another such attack? 4. Describe the ethical implications of not being sure if credit card numbers had been stolen. What options do you have in the struggle to be an ethical vendor, yet to stay in business? What actions would you take? 5. In the aftermath of the attack, what would you be worried about? What actions would you recommend? Strategic Outsourcing at Bharti Airtel Limited 1. What must Bharti do well to succeed in the Indian mobile phone market? What are Bharti’s core competencies? 2. Do you think Bharti should enter the outsourcing agreements outlined by Gupta? What do you see as advantages and disadvantages of such agreements? How do the different outsourcing agreements work towards building these core competencies? 3. If you were Bharti, what major concerns would you have about entering an outsourcing agreement with IBM? With Ericsson, Nokia, or Siemens? 4. How would you structure the agreements to address your concerns and capture any advantages you have identified? What governance mechanisms would you design for the agreements? 5. Assume the role of IBM or Nokia. What major concerns would you have about entering an agreement with Bharti? How would you structure the agreement and the governance mechanisms? VW of America: Managing IT Priorities 1. What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen of America? Are the criticisms justified? Is it an improvement over the old process? 2. Who controls the budgets from which IT projects are funded at Volkswagen of America? Who should control these budgets? Should the IT department have its own budget? 3. How should Matulovic respond to his fellow executives who are calling to ask him for special treatment outside the new priority management system? 4. What should Matulovic do about the unfunded Supply Flow project? The ITC eChoupal Initiative 1. What was ITC’s motivation for creating the eChoupal? 2. What were the old and new physical flows and information flows in the channel? 3. What principles did it employ as it built the newly-fashioned supply chain? 4. What barriers did ITC face in embarking on this project? 5. How should ITC develop this platform for the future?